Information for Authors

“Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics” publishes research papers both in Russian and in English 2 times per year.

For publications in the Journal, we consider articles which:
must contain original work;
must not have been published previously;
must not be under consideration for publication in any other journal or book available through a library or by purchase;
must contain a short abstract (no longer than 50 words), keywords and AMS Subject Classification 2010.

The papers should be typed in Microsoft Word (Font-Times New Roman-11, interval-1). We encourage the papers in 5-20 pages be sent in electronic form so it can be refereed without postal delays, and be published more quickly. The authors should send their article single, compressed archive file as an attachment to the e-mail address with the subject “Electronic submission for PIAM” in the subject line.

To organize the paper the authors should see the SAMPLE STYLE(DOC) form at and strongly follow this style. The papers not meetings the requirements will not be considered.The list of references should be given in the reference order and should contain new ones in the topic of the paper. Page setups: top – 2.5 sm, bottom -2.5 sm, left- 3 sm, right – 1.5 sm.

The reference list should be listed in alphabetical order.

The papers will be accepted by the decision of the Editorial Board after positive review of the anonymous reviewers.

The Journal’s founders are the Institute of Applied Mathematics of Baku State University.

For subscription details and future editorial correspondence please contact to:

Fikret Aliev
Institute of Applied Mathematics, Baku State University
Z.Khalilov str., 23, AZ 1148,
Baku, AZERBAIJAN e-mail:

Copyright Transfer Statement


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